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Women's Week Testimonial

I know what you’re thinking.

Do we actually NEED a women’s trip? 

And the answer is absolutely YES. YES we do.

Don’t get me wrong, we love the guys. But if you’re like me, you probably got into fly fishing because of a guy.

This isn’t to disparage all the brave, fishy women who got into fly fishing on their own (bravo to you!) - this is to speak to the reality of fly fishing - that it is largely made up of men.

 In the three years I’ve been fly fishing, I’ve never encountered another woman on the water. Not once. Semana Hermana is the only time I’ve been able to connect with other women on the fly.

To me, that experience alone is priceless. 
But it doesn’t hurt that it was also one of the most fun weeks of my life.

Women’s fly fishing week is a place for us to be WOMEN in fly fishing. To talk about flies, lines, and fish but also equally important topics like, who makes the cutest fishing clothes, what’s it like being the boss lady, and how did you get so badass?

To drink Chardonnay and Whiskey. To appreciate the cute decorations and fuss over flies. To not put on a bra and lament over the one that got away.
To marvel at the sunrise, sunset, and my giant rooster fish.

To ask stupid questions in a safe space. Because we all agree - at women’s week, there are no stupid questions.

How do you rinse a reel? How do I tie that knot? When do I use a sinking line? And most importantly, do you want to go for big dorado?

After a week with other fly fishy women, you’ll know the true answers.

You’ll know if fly fishing is something FOR YOU. Not for you and him, or him. Or anyone else. FOR YOU.

So, do YOU need a women’s week?! I would imagine so.

But that’s not the only reason to go.

Mary puts together the most thoughtful, fun, inspiring week. Every detail is attended to.

The food is fantastic. The drinks are flowing. The swag is extra cute. The fish are flying.

And the women are amazing.

 So if you’re debating it… WOMAN, I say this to you: Go. Come. Join us.

Be a part of women on the fly. And do it in this special, beautiful place with us.


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